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Table of contents of the Numeric English New Testament
Coming soon / recent updates
Do you choose life or death?
Is every word in the Bible God’s word?
What happens in the last days?
Has Jesus come from God the Father in Heaven?
Do all people have an equal chance of salvation?
What was Jesus’ last commandment to the disciples? Or what it was not?
What kind of God would I choose for myself?
Resurrection and New Life
Why do I believe as I believe?
What is the true faith that saves you?
Is God talking to you?
End-times: From Daniel’s Prophecy to Great Tribulation, Lord’s Day and Rapture
God is incomprehensible
Will you go to heaven after you die?
Have you committed an unforgivable sin?
Can it be true that all will be saved?
Man, the image of God and God’s co-worker
Come out from among them and be separated!
Has Jesus’ second coming already taken place?
Who will receive the Crown of Righteousness?
Jesus – a man
In search of the Bible truth
Christ God’s High Priest and the Royal Priesthood
Is God Three-in-One or Two-in-One or Just One?
Which saves: faith of baptism?
What After Death
Penalty of God
Do we in the New Covenant have to follow the rules of the Old Covenant?
What ar
e the Angels?
Where is the True Church of God?
Important Bible Verses – Important interpretations
Last Judgment Chapter 9, added about 30 pages in articles
The Millennial Kingdom of Christ
Difficult Bible Accounts
Adam and Eve
The deluge
The Death of Jesus
God is incomprehensible
Where is the True Church of God?
What After Death
Falling away – Apostasia
The Catholic Church, Faith and Congregation
Virgin Mary worship
Is Easter inspired by the pagan celebrations?
Another Jesus