In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (in Hebrew בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָֽרֶץ׃ in total 7 words).
This sentence contains three nouns with numeric values 86, 395, and 296, put together 777, which is 111 x 7. Seven is the number of perfection of God and 777 reflects perfection in its highest form.
The verb of the sentence ”created” has a numeric value of 203, which can be divided by the number 7 (29×7).
If we count the sum of the numeric values of the first and last letters of each word in each sentence we have a total of 1393, which is divisible by 7, 199 x 7 is 1393. If the sum of the first and last letters of the first and last words of the sentence is considered, then it (497) is also divisible by 7 (71 x 7). Also for the five words in the middle of the sentence, in the same way, we get 896, which can also be equally divided by 7.
The number of letters in these seven words is 28, 4 x 7.
The first three Hebrew words, In the beginning /created / God, the number of letters is 14 or 2 x 7. This is also the case with the last words.
When we look at the number of letters in the subject (God) and the object (heavens, earth), it is 14 or 2 x 7. The same with the rest of the words.
The shortest word in the sentence is in the middle of the sentence. The number of letters in that word and the word on its left side is 7 altogether. Additionally, the number of letters in the middle word and in the word on the right of that word is also 7.
According to Ivan Panin, number seven reflects God’s perfection and perfect order. Number seven is found in the Old Testament 287 times (41 × 7 = 287) while “seventh” appears 98 times (14 × 7 = 98) and “Seventy” 56 times (8 × 7 = 56).
Here are some examples of the miraculous appearances of the number seven, which are found altogether over 30 times in the first words of the Bible. To find these features you need to look for them. Karl Sabiers wrote about these findings in his book “Mathematics Prove Holy Scriptures”, p. 21-27. Sabiers, who is deeply acquainted with Panin’s studies, writes: ”Genuine scripture, both Hebrew and Greek, where the numbers equivalent with the letters are added up properly, at some point: word, sentence, paragraph, or chapter, will always be divisible by the number seven!”
In both the Hebrew OT and the Greek NT, a single letter error may transform the meaning of the sentence to be opposite. By looking at two different translations based on their numerical value, the correct translation can be chosen. This can also be done with the Greek text. The author of the book above (pp. 91-94) gives an example of the last word of the Book of Revelation: Is the very last word ”amen” or ”saints,” as translates Wescott and Hort? Using a numeric calculation the issue is resolved and it can be stated that the word Amen is not part of the sentence. Jesus said meaningfully: Mat 5:18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not one letter or one stroke of a letter will disappear from the Law until everything has been accomplished.
…The inclusion of numbers seven and some other numbers throughout the Bible will be further discussed below. When examining their presence, one can not avoid thinking about the importance of the matter. Is it coincidental? Is the whole issue just “hoo-ha” as one person wrote in a net chat room. Below I am writing about a mathematician named Ivan Panin, who a hundred years ago spent fifty years studying the Bible Numerics, especially in the New Testament. He came to the conclusion that this could not be a coincidence, nor was it that the various writers would have developed this code through the whole NT.
If that is the case, I will come to a rather shocking conclusion; The author of the Bible is God Himself, and the role of each apostle has only been to keep the pen in his hand. Most people do not believe in the whole mathematic code. But I do. Ivan Panin was also deeply disappointed with the general reaction. He imagined that his calculations of tens of thousands of pages would open people’s eyes, and the word of the Bible would have a whole new emphasis on people’s minds. However, people did not believe him and his research was forgotten. How true is the Bible´s statement about people…
”seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand” (Luke 8:10)