Gathering Of The Great Multitude Gathering of the Great Multitude: When Jesus sends His angels down to earth to assemble the believers, the so-called Great multitude, they […]
When Is The Rapture Going To Take Place? This is the rapture: Then we who remain alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to a meeting […]
Are The Christ’s Own Still On Earth During the Lord’s Day? During the Lord’s Day, God’s wrath is actually poured out over the inhabitants of the earth. After the sixth trumpet, one-third of […]
End-times: From Daniel’s Prophecy to Great Tribulation, Lord’s Day and Rapture PART 1: The Rapture and the Lord’s day (written Nov. 2016) When Is the Rapture going to take place? The […]
Jesus Rescues His Own Jesus Rescues His Own: … and to wait for his Son whom he raised from the dead to come back from heaven. […]
The World Before the Second coming of Jesus? There is a great tribulation in the world. Here are some Bible verses: Mat 24:6 You are going to hear of wars […]
Signs of the End Times – What Are People Like in the End Times Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. (2 Cor 11:14) 2 Tim 3:1 You must realize, however, that in the […]
Come out from among them and be separated! Come out of her! Where does the Bible tell you to leave? Of Babylon, the Great Congregation, Ekklesia Congregation in Laodicea, compared […]